I Frorestieri consists of two young winemakers based in Tuscany. Dario came from Pisa and when he met Ezequiel in Roccatederighi, Alta Maremma (Tuscany) they quickly realized that they shared a vision. Ezequiel had come across some old wine plots, thanks to tips from retired farmers in the area. The two came together and developed their ideas around natural viticulture by seeking out abandoned vineyards, contacting the owners, and saving their doomed vines. It started as a side thing, but not too long ago, during a trip to look for vineyards, they discovered an abandoned wine cellar that they took over and the project has grown since then.
They do not own any land, but grow all their grapes on rescued vineyards that they rent and carefully look after. In the cellar, the wines are made with the same philosophy, naturally but cleanly and precisely. Dario and Ezequiel are incredibly competent winemakers, rooted in the soil, and meticulous on a level that is beyond. We are so happy to have this winemaker in our collective, they have such reasonable ways of working that are truly sustainable for the future, no talking but 100% action. This is exactly what we mean when we talk about the collective. We work together and do what we can, big and small.